species summer school 2022 banner image
Twenty years after the last EvoNet summer school we retake the initiative!

The SPECIES Summer school is looking for students interested in gaining evolutionary computation and general research work skills, networking with the school mentors and with other students and enjoying a nice stay by the Mediterranean!

We specially encourage women and minorities to apply for this summer school, where everyone is welcome.


August 26th (Friday) to 31st (Wednesday) 2022
species summer school 2022 banner image
species summer school 2022 banner image


The SPECIES Summer School will be held in the town of Moraira, a cute beach resort in the South-eastern coast of Spain.
Up to 24 students will be lodged in the La Marina Youth Hostel, where the sessions will also take place.

Mentors Team

PabloJuan Luis J Laredo profile picture

Pablo García-Sánchez  –  University of Granada, Spain
Nuno Lourenço – Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Juan Luis J Laredo  – Université Le Havre Normandie, France
Sara Silva – Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Tea Tušar – Josef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Leonardo Vanneschi – Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal


Complexity and evolution: a tour from abiogenesis to higher order structures, by Juan Luis J Laredo

Videogames: a great testing ground for evolutionary computing, by Pablo García-Sánchez

How Data Visualization Works, by Tea Tusar

Feature selection and construction using evolutionary algorithms, by Sara Silva

Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming (GSGP), by Leonardo Vanneschi

Real World Applications of Evolutionary Computation: The special Case of Grammar-Based GP, by Nuno Lourenço

Programme (tentative)

26 Aug. 27 Aug. 28 Aug. 29 Aug. 30 Aug. 31 Aug.
09h00 10h00 Arrival & Reception Tutorial (L. Vanneschi) All hands meeting – Q&As All hands meeting – Q&As Team work on the challenge Presentation of the Challenges’ Results
10h00 11h00 Tutorial (P. García-Sánchez) Tutorial (T. Tušar) Tutorial (A. Esparcia)
11h00 11h30 Break Break Break Break Break
11h30 12h30 Challenges’ Pitch Team work on the challenge Tutorial (J. Laredo) Team work on the challenge Closing Ceremony
12h30 13h30 Team work on the challenge picnic @ El Portet
13h30 15h30 Lunch Lunch Outdoors lunch Lunch Lunch
15h30 17h30 Introduction to the summer school, presentation of the program Splitting into Groups Team work on the challenge Sailing and Kayaking Team work on the challenge
17h30 18h30 Tutorial (N. Lourenço) Outdoor Activity Beach Volley
18h30 19h30 Tutorial (S. Silva) Group Activity
19h30 21h00 Welcome Reception Dinner Pizza on the Beach Dinner Farewell Dinner

Who can apply

Students and recent graduates interested in bio-inspired computation

Fees: 295 €
Included in the fees: 5 nights accommodation (including hostel card), all meals from the Friday lunch to the Wednesday lunch, excursions.

The fees do not include: travel to and from the venue, visa costs (if any), insurance, optional activities.

You may book (and pay) additional nights accommodation via the hostel web page.

How to get there

Nearest airports are Alicante and Valencia. From either airport, go to the respective Estación de Autobuses, where you can take a bus (around 13.50 € one way from Valencia, 9.50€ from Alicante) to Teulada. From the same bus stop (or the one across the road) you can then take another bus to Moraira.

The times for the buses Teluada-Moraira are: 9:10, 11:15, 13:00, 17:45, 18:52 19:45 and they take 10 minutes. Then you need to walk 9 minutes to the hostel

What to bring

  • Compulsory: Your own laptop to work on the projects.
  • Optional: An idea for a challenge, and good reasons to convince 2-3 colleagues to work with you on it
  • Recommended: swimming costume, beach towel, sun cream, hat, diving mask

Optional: Sea Team-building activity

Enjoy an outdoor lunch followed by a 4 hour sailing trip with your team in the Bay of Altea. You can choose a sailing yatch or a motor boat (subject to availability). Prices will range from 45 to 65 euros per person, depending on demand.

The Summer School Code

Students are expected to:

  • Attend the 5 days of the summer school
  • Cooperatively work on an assignment and follow the standards of proper social and research behavior.
  • Deliver, by the end of the school, a paper and presentation on what they have been working on during it.

How to apply

Places will be allocated on a first come-first served basis. Please, fill the form below to apply.

    IMPORTANT: If you need an invoice, please fill the data below

    Logotype of species summer school 2022
    Summer School 2022
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