Journal of Artificial Evolution and Applications aims at being a reference for all researchers and practitioners who study the theory and application of methodologies pertaining to Evolutionary Computation and related fields.
Original contributions are sought describing recent achievements in Evolutionary Computation research, with particular, but not exclusive, regard to:
- Genetic Algorithms
- Genetic Programming
- Evolutionary Programming
- Evolution Strategies
- Swarm Intelligence
- Learning Classifier Systems
- Artificial Immune Systems
- Co-evolution
- Interactive Evolution
- Evolvable Hardware
- Hybrid approaches relying on the joint use of Evolutionary Computation methods and other Computational Intelligence and optimization methods
Previously unpublished reports on applications of Evolutionary Computation techniques to problems of industrial, technological and social relevance are particularly solicited, including, but not limited to:
- Combinatorial and Stochastic Optimization of Industrial Processes
- Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering
- Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
- Communication and Networking Technologies
- Transportation and Logistics
In-depth reviews of the state of the art in any of the theoretical or application fields listed above are also accepted.
Journal Metrics
Impact Factor: 4.04