SPECIES offers up to three scholarships in its areas of interest, for current PhD students and recent graduates (24 months prior to the application deadline) to work with relevant research groups. +info in the Scholarships page
SPECIES stand for Peace
SPECIES — the Society for the Promotion of Evolutionary Computation in Europe and its Surroundings calls for peace and is solidary with the victims of war. We stand for peace and cooperation as the primary tools for welfare, freedom, prosperity, and progress.
EvoStar 2022
The 25th EvoStar conference will take place in Madrid, Spain, from 20 to 22 April 2022. Join us to discover the latest advances in Evolutionary Computation, meet old friends and/or make new ones – in person or online! Check the
Comments from previous scholarship holders
This is what they said: “The SPECIES scholarship was a great opportunity for me to get to know and collaborate with a different research group in the field of evolutionary computation. The 3-month format allows for deep and productive discussions
Executive Board Elections 2021
All SPECIES members are now invited to vote for the new Executive Board The list of candidates for the period 2021-22 is as follows: Penousal Machado, University of Coimbra. Statement Sara Silva, University of Lisbon, Portugal Statement Nuno Lourenço, University
SPECIES YouTube channel
Have you checked the SPECIES YouTube channel? You will find highlights from EvoStar 2021: the keynote lectures by Jose A Lozano and Roberto Serra, the closing session with all the awards (in particular, the EvoStar Award to Gabriela Ochoa) and
EvoStar 2021
The 24th EvoStar conference will take place (hopefully!) in Seville, Spain, from 7 to 9 April 2021. Join us to discover the latest advances in Evolutionary Computation, meet old friends and/or make new ones – in person or online! Check
Evolution, the new AI Revolution – Topical Issue of SN Computer Science Journal
25 years after the IEEE Expert Special Issue edited by Peter Angeline, with the title “Evolution Revolution”, it is about time to proudly assert that Evolution is the AI Revolution. We take this opportunity to announce the Topical Issue Evolution,
New Executive Board 2020-21
In the AGM that was held online on May 29th the new Board was elected as follows: Wolfgang Banzhaf (treasurer) Stefano Cagnoni Anna I Esparcia-Alcázar (vice-president and secretary) Francesco Fontanella Mario Giacobini (new in 2020) J. Ignacio (Iñaki) Hidalgo Nuno
SPECIES Scholarships – Application closed
The application process has ended and we are happy to announce that we have received applications from 15 students and 18 potential host institutions. Evaluation has now started. We advise students to have a look at the list of candidate