25 years after the IEEE Expert Special Issue edited by Peter Angeline, with the title “Evolution Revolution”, it is about time to proudly assert that Evolution is the AI Revolution.
We take this opportunity to announce the Topical Issue Evolution, the New AI Revolution of the Springer Nature Computer Science Journal.
Inspired by Risto Miikkulainen’s keynote talk at Evo*2019, where he famously stated that “Evolution is the new deep learning”, we are soliciting submissions of new, original works on applications of evolutionary computation addressing a broader computer science audience. These will be complemented by selected extended papers invited from Evo* 2020.
Areas of interest are –centered around the conferences that are part of Evo*– but not limited to:
- Genetic programming
- Combinatorial optimisation
- Applications for Music, Sound, Art and Design
- Applications for Social Networks
- Applications for Digital Healthcare and Personalized Medicine
- Applications for Games
- Applications for Bioinformatics
- Applications of Deep Bio-inspired Algorithms
- Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Evolutionary Machine Learning
The expected timeline is as follows:
– 31 July 2020: first submission
– 15 September 2020: reviews sent to authors
– 31 October 2020: corrections
– 30 November 2020: final revision
– 15 December 2020: final materials sent to Springer
Topical Issue editors: Anikó Ekárt and Anna I Esparcia-Alcázar