Mario Giacobini, University of Torino
I started my scientific career as an undergraduate student of the first EvoNet Summer School that took place in Tours (France) in 1998. The European community of Evolutionary Computation has always been the my reference point for building my work relation network thanks not only to the first three summer schools, but also to the yearly conference EVO*. During the last years, I’ve tried to contribute to the life of our community by locally organizing 2 editions of EVO* (Lausanne 2005 and Torino 2011) and chairing some of its events, namely the EvoWorkshops (now EvoApps) and EvoBIO. I owe a lot to our community and this feeling pushes me to candidate for the SPECIES Executive Board, with the aim of strengthening our community by consolidating our main event and offering new opportunities for our young future colleagues.